★★ No Penélope ★★ #36 Virtual Diva Couture - Loux, Skins and Accesories

Una vez roto
el mito de Penélope,
desataré la luna
y zarparé,
el alba entre los dedos,
a construir un nuevo país,
sin matrimonios,
sin esperas,
donde la soledad
no duela.
He cambiado
la espera…
por búsqueda de mar.

Once broken
the myth of Penelope,
I untie the moon
and I zarparé,
dawn between fingers,
to build a new country,
no marriages,
no waiting,
where solitude
not hurt.
I have changed
the wait…
search by sea.

VIRTUAL DIVA COUTURE Presents and Exclusive Desing for Designer ShowCase - BEAU

LOUX - Elegance Eyeshadows, exclusive item for The Body Modification Expo
The package includes tattoo layer and the following appliers:  Genesis / Lelutka/  TMP/ Omega. In doubt see the vendor pic on the package.
Skin Lux Lx05 - 30

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