♥♥ Soul Mate ♥♥ #31 Virtual Diva Couture - Skins Loux

Tu alma gemela es alguien que no vendrá a tu vida silenciosamente. Es alguien que vendrá a cuestionar tus convicciones, a cambiar tu cotidianidad, alguien que marcará un antes y un después en tu vida.
No el ser humano que siempre idealizaste.
Autor: desconocido 


Your soul mate is someone who does not come into your life quietly. Is someone who will come to question your beliefs, you change your daily life, someone who will mark a before and after in your life.
No man who always idealized.
Unknown author


Exclusive Desing Made for The Instruments Event 

Skin: - LOUX - Livla Available in 7 beautiful Tones

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♥♥ Believe ♥♥ #30 Virtual Diva Couture

Porque creo en mi puse la mano en el corazon, espere sentir su latir...
Lo tome entre mis manos y me puse honesta conmigo misma, mire eso que duele,mire lo que ya no duele, mire que tan guardado lo tenia!

Porque creo en la Magia que me fue concedida reconozco el poder para hacerlo, hoy decido sanarlo, atravesar mis propias heridas, mis cicatrices y volverlas flores...
volver mi corazon un jardin!

Que tu corazon sea tu guia, y que tengas el valor de mirarlo, que tengas la fuerza y la desicion para sanarlo, que en cada una de tus heridas,renazca una flor.
Que tu propio Amor te Sane.
Mariana Rupp

Because I belive in me, I put my hand on his heart, feel its beat wait ...
I took it in my hands and I was honest with myself, I see why it hurts, look what it does not hurt, look how it had saved!
Because I believe in the magic that was granted me recognize the power to do so, today I decide to heal, through my own wounds, scars and re my flowers ...
turn my heart a garden!
Let your heart be your guide, and you have the courage to look, you have the strength and desicion to heal, that in each of your wounds, reborn a flower.
Love you your own Sane.

Virtual Diva Couture Presents and Exclusive Desing for 


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♥♥ Parte de ti ♥♥ #29 Virtual Diva Couture

Si pudiese ser una parte de tí, elegiría ser tus lágrimas. Porque tus lagrimas son concebidas en tu corazón, nacen en tus ojos, viven en tus mejillas, y se mueren en tus labios.
If I could be a part of you, I choose to be your tears. Because your tears are conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.

Dress: Frida Gown Vintage

Facebook group :https://www.facebook.com/groups/1414858045490391/
Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/VirtualDivaACouture
Marketplace link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/39826
In World:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Domain/31/238/4004
Who will be the next face of Fashion?

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♠♠ Sexy Angel ♠♠ #28 Selva Desings - Loux

Soy consciente del privilegio y milagro de la vida. 
Tengo el coraje de ser y sentirme libre para elegir mis caminos, vencer mis miedos y temores y asumir las consecuencias de mis actos.
Tengo alegría para reír, hacer y recorrer mi camino de felicidad, para sentir la energía de estar vivo, plena e intensamente. Nadie puede lastimarme a menos que yo lo permita.
Vivo, disfruto mi presente, teniendo plena conciencia de que es lo único que tengo. Recuerdo el pasado, deseo un buen futuro, en la plena consciencia de que no vivo ahí. 

Acepto mis errores, mis caídas y libero la carga para hacer más liviano mi camino. Agradezco cada instante, cada sonrisa, cada lágrima, cada amigo, enemigo, que contribuye a enriquecerme.

Yo Soy.
- Autor desconocido

I am aware of the privilege and miracle of life.
I have the courage to be and to feel free to choose my ways, to overcome my fears and accept the consequences of my actions.
I cheer for laughing, and go my way of happiness, to feel the energy of being alive, fully and intensely. No one can hurt me unless I allow.
I Live, enjoy my present, with full awareness that is all I have. Remember the past, I wish a good future in the full awareness that I do not live there.
I accept my mistakes, my falls and release the burden lighter for my path. I appreciate every moment, every smile, every tear, every friend, enemy, helping to enrich.
I Am.
- Unknown author

Tough love secret outfit. (all incluied) ONLY 50L

LOUX Skin Livla 
package per skin tone contains:

- 4 different Lipsticks
- The Mesh Project face appliers

- Natural cleav. on skin (M)
- Small cleav. on skin (great for teen) (S)
- Push up cleav. on skin (XL)

- 9 eyebrows on tattoo layer (the skin is browless)
- 9 Eyebrow appliers for the mesh project head

-Appliers hud in all tones.
  * Slink hands appliers
  * Slink feet appliers
  * Slink Mesh Physique appliers
  *The mesh project body appliers
  *The mesh project face appliers
  *Lolas tango/Lush appliers
  *Phat azz/ cute Azz appliers
  * Omega Hud (one applier that serves for several mesh parts and mesh bodies, you just have to acquire the proper script)

Available in LOUX STORE

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